Companies can face a lot of foot traffic throughout the day. Dirt, mud and other items can be tracked inside quickly and take a toll on your floors. Carpets can look dirty and matted, while hard-surface floors can appear worn and scuffed. Not only will flooring look dingy, debris build-up can cause permanent damage, including scratches, scuffs and stains, that could tarnish your company’s image. To keep your business looking its best, use these high-traffic flooring maintenance tips from the experts at ServiceMaster Clean.

Clean Routinely

Routine cleaning at least once a day is key to ensuring the longevity of your floors. High-traffic areas like entrances and lobbies may need to be cleaned every few hours, especially during periods of inclement weather. For example, if you live in an area where roads and sidewalks are regularly salted during the winters, then people are going to be tracking in that salt on their shoes and boots. That salt can quickly damage floors, especially wooden and vinyl ones, and should be cleaned up as often as possible. Remember that [different office flooring options[(blog/choose-the-best-office-flooring-ideas-options-for-you) will need to be cleaned differently. Hard-surface floors like hardwood or vinyl should be swept every few hours to remove dirt and debris. After business hours, hard flooring may need to be mopped to clean and sanitize the area. On the other hand, carpets in high-traffic areas should be vacuumed at least once per day to effectively remove set-in debris. Since carpets tend to hold more dirt than wood, vinyl or tile floors, make sure the type of carpet in your facility can stand up to heavy foot traffic.

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